JICA2024年度国別研修によりマレーシアADTEC(上級技術訓練センター)より 研修員6名を受入

 2024年12月5日(木)~17日(火)、JICA(独立行政法人国際協力機構)2024年度 国別研修として「工学・技術教育に関する日本の高専手法の導入への協力」を目的に、マレーシアADTECから6名の研修生を受け入れました。
 最終日は研修を通じて得られた高専教育の特長やマレーシアADTECでの適用について個々に発表があり、活発な議論がなされました。修了にあたって、JICA四国センター田村所長の挨拶のあと、研修機関を代表して箕島校長が挨拶しました。その後、修了証書授与が行われ、ADTECを代表してMUHAMMAD GHAZALY ABDUL AZIZ先生とMOHD YUSUF ABDUL RAHMAN先生より謝辞が述べられました。

Six Trainees from ADTEC (Advanced Technology Center), Malaysia, Participate in JICA’s Country-Focused Training Program

From December 5th to 17th, 2024, Anan KOSEN hosted six trainees from ADTEC Malaysia as part of JICA’s (Japan International Cooperation Agency) 2024 Country-focused Training Program. This program, aimed at introducing Japanese KOSEN (National Institutes of Technology Colleges) education methods in engineering and technical education to Malaysia, has been conducted in collaboration with ADTEC, a science and engineering education institution under the Malaysian Ministry of Human Resources.

During their visit, the trainees participated in a comprehensive program that included a lecture on “IoT and Agriculture” by Associate Professor Matsuura from the Mechanical Engineering Course and an IoT training session conducted by Professor Hasegawa from the Electrical Engineering Course. They also toured Anan KOSEN’s educational and research facilities, observed laboratory training sessions, and experienced local culture through visits to the Ai-no-Yakata and Awa Odori Hall. Furthermore, they actively engaged with our students, asking insightful questions and gaining valuable insights into the KOSEN system.

On the final day, each trainee presented their reflections on the training program, highlighting the unique characteristics of KOSEN education and discussing potential applications for their own institution in Malaysia. Following a speech by Director Tamura of the JICA Shikoku Center, Anan KOSEN’s President Minoshima addressed the trainees, marking the successful completion of the program. Certificates were then awarded to the trainees, and Professor MUHAMMAD GHAZALY ABDUL AZIZ and Professor MOHD YUSUF ABDUL RAHMAN expressed their gratitude on behalf of ADTEC.

This program is expected to have a significant impact on engineering education in Malaysia. To further strengthen this collaboration, a short-term study tour for faculty and students from Anan KOSEN to ADTEC in Malaysia is planned for February.



                              開会式               大塚製薬工場見学


                              藍の館                阿波踊り会館


                          「IoTと農業」講義              IoT実習


                            キャンパス見学         阿南高専のカリキュラムについて


                           JICA修了証授与                閉会式

