Grobal Promotion Office Events
AIA conducted workout session on campus
On March 4th, AIA (Anan International Association) conducted a workout session, inviting an instructor from Happy Anan. The session was held at Phoenix square on the campus of Anan Kosen. Our international students and faculty members, in total 9 people participated.
Every year, Anan Kosen International office and AIA had been holding a cooking event every February, however we have been canceling due to the situation of COVID these past couple of years. Mr. Nomura from AIA held this workout event as an alternative. With music, all the participants worked out for 45 minutes, they all enjoyed themselves.
Orientation for the new tutors
On March 2nd, we held an orientation for the new tutors who will help and support new international exchange students for the coming school year. Our tutors are Japanese students who support exchange students in their academic and everyday life. In the Reiwa 4th school year, we are going to accept 6 international students: 2 freshman students from Thailand、3 junior students from Thailand and Laos, and 1 senior student from Thailand.
At this orientation, 17 tutors participated. After introducing each other, they discussed their reasons why they joined this program, and reconfirmed their mindset to fully support international students. A participant said, “Not only language learning, but also to experience different cultures, we can gain a wider perspectives and think bigger”. Others said, “I want to know what people from other countries wish to learn here in Japan become an engineer” “I want to utilize this experience of being a tutor for my creativity in the future”. Project associate professor, Ide talked to those tutors, “Teaching is the best way to learn”.
International students accept the certificate of appreciation from City Mayor
On February 24th, 2022, Anan city mayor, Omotehara has given the certificate of appreciation to our two students, Dorjpurev Turmunkh (Electronic Engineering Course from Mongolia) and Nurdiyana Syahira Binti Ahmad Shafir (Civil Engineering from Malaysia). This certificate is given to the people who accomplished the deepening of the international relationships locally. After the ceremony, mayor Omotehara and the international students had a friendly conversation.
R 3rd Winter Faculty Workshop held
On Dcember 22nd, Research-unit, FD Committee, and International Office welcomed Professor Sapkota from Kisarazu Kosen and he gave a presentation about CDIO.
The CDIO Initiative is based on Conceive, Design, Implement and Operate. Its purpose is to nurture the revolutionary educational framework. More than 36 countries and 130 educational organizations are members, and this has realistically become the world standard of engineer education.
Our school has been officially accepted to join CDIO Initiative in June of this school year. This session was to deepen the understanding of CDIO, and implement the philosophy of CDIO in our education system.
33 school staff and members joined this, and Professor Sapkota explained thoroughly about CDIO, activities of CDIO, examples of CDIO implemented in schools overseas, and CDIO measurement at Kisarazu Kosen.
Workshop session “Presentation about role models” was held
On December 20th, one of the faculty, Associate Professor Yasuda held a presentation about his own experience of studying in China.
Mr. Yasuda considers himself as introvert, and never imagined going abroad. When he was 26, he studied at the lab of Harbin Institute of Technology in Heilongjiang, China for a year. He was recommended to go there to study, so he took the chance, and he made a lot of discoveries.
He talked about his life in Harbin, (When it was cold, it reached around negative 30 degrees, and the ice cream store used the frozen land itself as a freezer!) and the friendship he built with local people there. He also mentioned his personal growth. After this experience, he could imagine the international students’ feelings better in Japan, and he wanted to be a great support for them. He also shared complicated feelings when he was between two cultures, and the audience was drawn to his interesting stories and his photos shared.
It was a nice opportunity to get interested in different culture.
“Let’s Talk” is the place for any students to gather and talk!
International Office started to hold “Let’s Talk” as a place where any students can gather and make friends.
You can talk about anything, you can talk in any language, you can leave or join anytime. It’s a free and open environment.
First session was held on December 9th, and 11 people joined. The second session was held December 23rd and 5 people joined. Beyond the nationalities, grades or majors, they enjoyed the conversations.
For January 2022, we are planning to hold more sessions as shown below.
○January 13th 4:15PM-5PM Library building Multipurpose Room.
○January 27th 4:15PM-5PM Library building Active Learning Studio South
Please feel free to join us!
International students visited Freshmen classrooms
On December 8th, 2021, during the period of Long Homeroom, we had an opportunity to introduce our office and international students in the freshmen classrooms.
All 8 international students were divided into 4 groups according to their countries. They spent 8 minutes in each classroom to present their country and themselves using the PowerPoint slides which they made.
Although it was a tight schedule to visit every classroom, some Japanese students said, ”It was interesting to hear the cultures outside of Japan”. “It was fun because their presentations were interesting”. “They were so good at Japanese and easy to understand”.
Disaster prevention seminar held for international students
On December 7th, 2021, we held a disaster prevention seminar for the international students.
We welcomed the police officers from Anan Police Security Division. They introduced and explained the security measures for school life, and safety rules for bike riding. Also, they talked about the disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons which can be seen commonly in Japan. For our international students who attended, it was a great opportunity to learn how to prepare for disasters. Anan Police officers stated how they wish for a session like this every year and encouraged international students to join in the future.
Three international students participated in Japanese speech contest by AIA!
On December 5th, 2021, a Japanese speech contest sponsored by AIA was held. Three of our international students participated and gave a speech on the topics below.
○Wong (Malaysia): “The interesting difficulty of Japanese language”
○Ang (Malaysia): “Punctuality”
Despite the fact that this was our first time to participate in this speech contest, Wong took the first place, Alcan took the third, and Ang got the effort award.
In Wong’s speech, he said “there are many words that do not share the meanings in Japanese even though they share the same pronunciation” and “How to differentiate those words and sentences depending on the scenes”. He took these as “interesting difficulties” and he concluded by stating how he wants to experience more of the interesting cases of Japanese”.
International exchange session: “Let’s listen to the research presentation in English!”
On December 6th 2021, we had another exchange session.
This time, Professor Uchino from Electronics course used his own presentation, ”Relationship of Bifurcation and Power Conversion Efficiency in DC-DC Converter with TEM “. The content was about how to design efficient circuits from the perspective of bifurcation analysis, in terms of designing the power inverter circuits specified for clean energy devices. He first presented this in English, then in Japanese.
All the participants felt the difference of the atmosphere when it was presented in English. Professor Uchino gave the students some advice that it is important to deepen the research content which is valuable enough to tell. He also added the importance of learning in the student period, and the active attitude to learn another language.
We would like the students to perform well on the global stage through utilizing these tips at an international session like this.
Lunch time English salon
International office offers Lunch time English salon during the lunch time every Monday and Wednesday. Each session is less than an hour, so it is a short time. Some students who want to be familiar with English come by and find it useful. It is not a formal gathering, but rather a casual gathering with a friendly atmosphere.
We mainly chat in English. Beforehand, we send a “Topic of the day” through the application, LINE. For beginners, it may be better to prepare the answer to the question so that they can join the conversation smoothly. Of course, we welcome anyone to join without any preparation. We can have a free topic conversation as well. We welcome any questions regarding to English or English learning.
Sometimes international students join, so it is a small cultural exchange place. If you are nervous going out to a bigger place and speaking English, then let’s practice here! Moreover, we want not only the students but also any staff so if you are interested in English, please join us.
Japan-Taiwan youth session: “Online micro hydro power generation competition” (6th National micro hydro power generation competition in Toyama)
On October 29th, 2021, we joined the Japan-Taiwan youth session, “Online micro hydro power generation competition” (6th National micro hydro power generation competition in Toyama). 5 schools including Anan Kosen and one school from Taiwan participated in this event.
The engineers who are involved with micro hydro power generation all over Japan, and organizations introduced their projects and held a discussion on the subjects related to the surrounding local areas. As a part of it, high school and Kosen students exchanged their opinions on topics which they think are needed for the new generations. They also reported their local companies.
From Anan Kosen, 3 international students from Malaysia participated. They introduced themselves first, and they answered some questions about actions for renewable energy with specific examples of our school and prefecture. They also asked a question “What can we do to expand the use of renewable energy?” and they all shared the acute issues for the future for 90 minutes.
6th SDGs Workshop: Special lecture by our President, Hirayama
On October 28th, 2021, we had a special lecture by our president, Hirayama on the title, “Masai people in Tanzania and SDGs”. This is the 6th session in a part of an SDGs workshop series we run as Global Promotion Office.
4 students and 10 faculty members joined to listen to this subject. President Hirayama talked about her own experience of visiting the Masai people in Tanzania. The participants learned the lifestyle and education system of Masai people. From the perspective of SDGs, we shared our thoughts of what we can do.
We received a comment from a participant,
“It was quite meaningful to hear such a precious experience. I felt that it is important to consider not only the things to enrich their life and introducing the technology, but also the environmental problems and the possibility for sustainability”.
Online lecture by Kosen graduate
On October 19th, 2021, we held an online special lecture meeting. We invited the CEO of RyuLog, Minako Taira (Okinawa Kosen graduate) and she gave a speech, “What a 28-year-old Kosen graduate wants to tell the current Kosen students”.
This was held during the class time of our 2nd graders, so all 2nd graders and others joined the online session.
We received some comments such as:
“This changed my thoughts on my future direction”
“It was easy to understand and I learned it is important to maintain the relationships with others”
“I had never thought of going abroad or founding a company, but it made me think of the possibility of going out of the prefecture”.
Ishima island tour
On October 23rd, 2021, we conducted a day trip to visit the eastern most island of Shikoku called Ishima. 8 International students and 4 Japanese students joined.
Before actually visiting this island, we held a special lecture on October 20th, Professor Ota in the Chemistry course talked about the subjects related to Ishima.
Ishima island is 9.5km long. Rare plants such as Ishima Japanese lilies grow on this island. As it is chosen as one of the official Satoyama landscapes (Japanese woodland surrounding villages), the island contains a lot of nature.
At the lecture, Professor Ota explained geographical matters, and also “4 crises” which threaten the diversity of biology on its environment. We learned that these elements affect the reservation of satoyama; The crisis from the influence of human activities, the crisis of extreme detachment from human culture, the crisis of alien species invasion, and the crisis of environmental changes such as global warming.
Even though we could not see Ishima lilies since they bloom during May and June, it was a mild day, and all the participants enjoyed spending time in the great nature.
Exchange session 2021 between Anan City, AIA and our school
On October 14th 2021, Anan city, AIA and our international students, teachers and staff conducted an online exchange session. 12 people from the city and AIA, 13 of our teachers and staff, and 8 of our international students joined. Before COVID-19 hit the world, we used to host this exchange session at our cafeteria. However, it was cancelled due to COVID-19 last year, so we managed to host online.
After our president offered her greetings, Anan city mayor, Mr. Omotehara greeted us. After a toast, we broke into some groups of 5-6 people each in breakout rooms. We had three 20-minute sessions to chat with various participants.
A participant mentioned, “It was nice to be able to focus on communicating in the small breakout rooms”.
Kosen International Office now renamed Global Promotion Office!
Our International office has been renamed, “Global Promotion Office” as of October 13th, 2021. The Global Promotion Office fully utilizes our qualities and will continue to plan according to global strategies. We will promote international education research and educate our students to become excellent global engineers in the future. We will unite even harder than before in order to globalize our school.
Two students from Malaysia arrived
On October 10th, we welcomed two students from Malaysia.
They were supposed to come here to Anan in April, however they could not arrive at that time due to the measurement from the Japanese government against the spread of COVID 19. Since April, they had been taking online classes in Malaysia.
After the completion of VISA and airfare preparation, they finally came in Japan on September 25th. After the two week period of quarantine, they came to Anan campus.
They will stay with us until March 2024. They will live in the student dormitory and take classes with other Japanese fellows.
Second workshop series of 2nd semester 2021, “Let’s learn cultures part 1; Low context and high context cultures”
On October 11th 2021, we had the second workshop series of 2nd semester 2021, “Let’s learn cultures part 1; Low context and high context cultures”.
In this series, the purpose is for the students to learn how to be a global engineer as they interact with each other.
4 students participated this time, they learned about low context and high context cultures and then discussed.
Next time, we are holding a special online lecture, inviting RyuLog Inc. CEO, Minako Taira (Okinawa Kosen graduate). We hope that many students will join us.
First workshop series of 2nd semester 2021, “The meaning of global leader and how to make a vision map”
On October 8th 2021, we held the first session of the workshop series of 2nd semester 2021, “The meaning of global leader and how to make a vision map”.
In this series, the purpose is for the students to learn how to be a global engineer as they interact with each other.
This time, 3 students (1 international student included) joined. They learned how to think logically and had a discussion on what makes one a global leader as they shared a mind map.
The second workshop will be on Monday, October 11th at 4:15 “Let’s learn cultures; Low context and high context cultures”. We are waiting for you all to join us!
4th and 5th SDGs Workshop 2021
On September 17th and 24th 2021, we held 4th and 5th SDGs Workshop 2021 through Spacial Chat (online meeting platform).
At this workshop, our international and Japanese students got together and gained the better understanding of SDGs.
For the 4th workshop, we had 2 Japanese students, 2 international students, 7 international office staff, and 4 students from National United University in Taiwan. The students searched for the meaning of each goal of SDGs, and created documents for the presentation. At last, they shared the slides they created.
In the second semester, we plan to hold a continuous version of this SDGs workshop series. We are going to hold events such as a special lecture and workshops so we are all waiting for you to join us!
Two New Project Associate Professors at International Office
As of September 1st, we welcomed two project associate professors at International Office.
Japanese as second language; project associate professor,
Haruko Miyoshi.
International students supporter; project associate professor,
Kumiko Ide
We are going to accept two international students from Princess Chulabhorn Science High School (PCSHS) from Thailand during the 2022 school year. These two instructors are going to support the students from Thailand by helping them study Japanese, and also helping them with their other classes along with their Japanese life. In addition, they will support Japanese students at Anan Kosen to have international abilities so that they will be able to become excellent engineers by planning and holding international events and workshops. They and an assistant administrative staff are found in International Office, located on the first floor of library building.
We are going to hold workshops and events online and stay active during this period of time of the COVID pandemic. We always welcome you to join us.
-Message from three staff members
Project associate professor, Haruko Miyoshi says,
“I had been in charge of 3rd grade international students, teaching them Japanese related classes here at Kosen as a part time teacher. Now, in addition to that, as a Japanese teacher at International Office, I will start teaching the students from Thailand Japanese related classes. Nice to meet you.”
Project associate professor, Kumiko Ide says,
“Hello, everyone. I have met and been involved with various people as well as spending time overseas. Learning about others helps us find an unknown side of ourselves. Please discover the sides of yourself that you don’t even know about through the activities at International office. I am waiting for you.”
Assistant administrative staff, Ohbata says,
“I have been working here for a while. Come to International office to casually practice English and talk with international students.”
3rd SDGs Workshop 2021
On September 10th 2021, using the Spacial Chat platform, we conducted our second SDGs Workshop 2021. This workshop’s purpose is to let our Japanese and international students get to know each other and to gain a deeper understanding of SDGs.
This time, 3 international students, 7 international office related teachers and staff, and 1 student from National United University joined. We all searched the meaning of each goal of SDGs, and had a discussion. At the end we shared the slides we created.
Next time is September 17th at 1PM. We all are waiting for you to come join us!
The 4th NIT-NUU Bilateral Academic Conference(online)
On September 3rd 2021, from 9AM-5PM, we held the 4th NIT-NUU Bilateral Academic Conference. The purpose of this conference is that the teachers and students of National United University (NUU) in Taiwan and our school prepare our academic research presentations and construct a friendly relationship.
In 2020, it was canceled due to COVID. This year, we were the host and Kagawa Kosen also helped us so we successfully managed to hold it as an online conference. It started with the greetings from the president of NUU, and our president. We also had a speech from vice president of NUU. We divided all 59 presentations and 17 poster showings into 5 categories such as Machinery, Electronics, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Engineering education, and linguistics and culture.
When it was time for the students from both schools to communicate, they solved the challenging SDGs assignments altogether. We had more than 100 participants, it was a successful academic event.
Second SDGs Workshop 2021
On August 25th of 2021, using the Spacial Chat platform, we conducted our second SDGs Workshop 2021. This workshop’s purpose is to let our Japanese and international students get to know toward each other and to gain a deeper understanding of SDGs.
This time, 3 Japanese students, 5 international students and 6 staff members joined. We researched, and discussed the each goal of SDGs and everyone presented on their assigned slides.
We included two students from Malaysia who have not successfully come to Anan city due to COVID.
We plan to hold a workshop like this periodically. Please join us next time!
First SDGs Workshop 2021
On August 18th of 2021, using the Spacial Chat platform, we conducted an SDGs Workshop 2021. This workshop’s purpose is to let our Japanese and international students become friendly toward each other and to gain a deeper understanding of SDGs.
This time, 6 Japanese students, 4 international students and 7 staff members joined and discussed the global social problems and their possible solutions along with SDGs.
We plan to do it again on August 25th. Please check out manaba under international office. We all are waiting for you to join!
In 2021 Japanese speech contest, our student won The Tokushima Prefectural Assembly’s Federation of International Exchange Assembly Members Chairman’s Award
On July 18th of 20201, at Awagin hall in Tokushima city, a Japanese speech contest was held. One of our international students (from Indonesia) presented a speech titled “We are the same even if we are different”. He won The Tokushima Prefectural Assembly’s Federation of International Exchange Assembly Members Chairman’s award.
In the speech, he said, “There are various cultures in the world, but the differences themselves are not bad. In Indonesia, there is a common phrase meaning `We are the same even if we are different`. Because of the cultural differences, we all have different thoughts and ways of living. However, we are all people. We can pick the positive sides from those differences and can still make a peaceful world altogether”.
International exchange session
On July 15th, 2021, we held a periodical exchange session at the international office. The purpose was to encourage our Japanese students and international students to become friendly with each other.
This time, we had 5 international students, 2 Japanese students, 3 staff members. We used a game using past tense of English, conducted a workshop to learn how to describe experiences. We involved with people from various countries such as Japan, America, Mongolia, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It was meaningful to learn the small things on daily life.
The next session will be in the next term, however we may randomly hold a few during the summer break. We’re waiting for everyone to come join us! It is okay not to be perfectly confident in English. We can all have an enjoyable time together with both English and Japanese.
International exchange session
On July 5th, 2021, another periodical exchange session was held at the international office to encourage our Japanese students and international students to become friendly with each other. This time, we had 3 international students, 6 Japanese students and 3 staff members. We played a game to tell a story based on randomly drawn cards. Then we talked about holidays in every country.
International exchange session
On July 1st, 2021, we had another periodical exchange session at the international office with the purpose of encouraging our Japanese students and international students to become friendly with each other.
This time, we had 5 international students, 10 Japanese students and 4 staff members. We had a workshop for the seasonal star festival. At one point, we talked about how to wish in Malay, Mongolian, German and Korean. We all enjoyed the international communication.
International exchange session
On June 17th, 2021, we had our periodical exchange session at the international office. The purpose was to encourage our Japanese students and international students to become friendly with each other.
This time, there were 2 international students and 3 staff members. We talked about the earthquakes and disaster situations in Japan and their countries. We compared the situations in the world, and it was interesting.
Thursday, July 1st is the next session. Come join us!
International exchange session
On June 17th, 2021, we had our periodical exchange session at the international office with the purpose of encouraging our Japanese students and international students to become friendly with each other.
This time around, 3 international students participated, they talked about the difference of unit expressions in each country and what Tokushima is famous for.
Monday, June 21st at 4PM is the next session. Come join us!
Our students gave presentations at AIA meeting
On May 30th 2021, AIA held a periodical meeting, and our students and the vice president of international office were invited to give presentations.
Students from Mongolia and Malaysia spoke about their own countries. The vice president of the international office also spoke about internationalization of our school.
AIA’s purpose is to cultivate a friendly relationship between international people and Anan city residents. They conduct day trips or cooking events throughout the year based on the hope of world peace.
Due to the influence of COVID, the meeting was both face-to-face and online.
We held a webinar
On May 21st, our international office held a webinar with ADTEC Jerantut (Malaysia) ADTEC Shah Alam (Malaysia). We have been building a friendly relationship with ADTEC schools since last school year.
In the first section of the webinar, 3 of our teachers gave presentations based on the various themes related to their specialized fields.
In the second half of the webinar, Dr. Harano in the Machinery course gave a short lecture on “What is 5S?” In total, we had more than 100 participants from 3 schools, and we had a very productive Q&A time.
The second DMM online English explanation session held
On April 12th, 2021, we held the second DMM online English explanation session, targeting our students and faculty. This service offers online English lessons, one-on-one. The ones who sign up can take a 25 minutes of one lesson everyday whenever they want. We have been encouraging this service since the last school year. This is our second explanation session.
At the session, Dr. Kobayashi, the director of the International Office, explained the specific plans of the service (This year, the service is for the entire year (May 2021-April 2022). The students can choose from two plans; 1. Standard plan, or 2. Native speaker instructor added plan). Moreover, Mr. Inoue, the 4th grade student, Ms. Tani, 5th grade chemistry major, Dr. Matsumoto and Dr. Tsuboi who all have taken DMM classes shared their experiences. At last, the president of the school encouraged the students.
DMM online English explanation session held
On April 7th, 2021, we held a DMM online English explanation session for our students. This service offers online English lessons, one-on-one. The students who sign up can take a 25 minute lesson everyday whenever they want. We have been encouraging our students to sign up for DMM online since the last school year.
This year, the service is for the entire year (May 2021-April 2022). The students can choose from two plans; 1. Standard plan, or 2. Native speaker instructors added plan.
The session started with Dr. Kobayashi, the director of International Office, explaining about the specific plans. Then, Dr. Fukui, the vice-director of International Office, and Mr. Kawabata shared their experiences with DMM. At last, the president of the school encouraged the students.
Soon, we will have a second explanation session. If you could not join us this time, come join us the next time!
Government sponsored international student arrives
On March 27th, 2021, we welcomed a government sponsored international student. This was successfully realized based on the inquiry for “Acceptance of government sponsored international student recommended by the government for April of 2021” from National Institute of Technology.
The duration of exchange is from April 2021 to March 2024. During this time, he will belong to the Information course, and study with his peers.
Since he learned Japanese language and basic subjects at JASSO for a year to prepare for the higher education organization in Japan, he is able to communicate in fluent Japanese. We are very excited to see what he will learn here.
Government sponsored international student arrives
On March 15th and 22nd, 2021, we had an e-exchange program with Singapore Polytechnic. This purpose of this program was a preparation training session for the actual exchange program in the future. The purpose of this online exchange is to introduce and learn about the cultures of two countries. It was about 2 hours long, about ten students from each school participated. The participants had icebreaker activities in small groups, and then shared presentations on food, language and historical cultures in English. They had a deeper understanding of each other through this program.
Certificate of appreciation for two international students from Anan City
On 22nd of February, two of our international students visited Anan City Hall. They are expected to graduate from Anan Kosen this Spring, so the city gave them each a certificate of appreciation. This is given to the international students here at Anan Kosen for their contribution to international friendships. Afterwards, the Anan Mayor himself had a small chat with them, the students shared their memories in Anan and their future goals!
Certificate of appreciation for two international students from Anan City
On January 13th, 2020, we held an English conversation club.
This time, the dormitory international committee mainly conducted the whole session. 12 students including international students participated. First, the participants made small groups, and they introduced themselves in English. Then, they switched the members around in each group and interviewed each other in English. Although it was a short time, the participants actively used English and had a good time.
English club session held
On December 4th, 2020, we had an English conversation club session. The purpose of this club is to, “get familiar with English,” “practice English,” and “be prepared for exchange programs.” Every year we hold English conversation sessions periodically, but this year, during the first term, we conducted it over the internet due to COVID-19. This was the first face-to-face session in the second term. International students joined, and the vice-director of international office, Mr. Prowant led the conversation. Everyone seemed to have a good time.
DMM Online English information session held
On November 26th, 2020, we held a DMM online English information session for our Japanese students. DMM online English offers one-on-one English lessons. The students can take one 25-minute lesson per day. The International Office encourages this service especially for the students who wish to sign up for overseas training, or exchange programs in the future. Dr. Matsumoto, the director of the International Office, started this information session, then the head of English department, Dr. Fujii and vice-director of international office, Dr. Kobayashi talked about their experiences on DMM.
Mongolian student dispatched from Mongolia arrives
On October 27th, 2020, we welcomed a male student from Mongolia. He was supposed to arrive in April of this year, however due to the global pandemic, COVID-19, there were no international flights between Mongolia and Japan. He had been taking online classes from Mongolia for months, and finally the Mongolian government managed a chartered flight to Narita Airport on October 10th. He safely arrived in Anan after 2 weeks of quarantine. He will stay with us until March of 2023, in the meantime, he will live in our dormitory and take classes with other Japanese students.
Disaster prevention seminar held for international students
On October, 14th 2020, we held a disaster prevention seminar for the international students. We welcomed the police officers from Anan Police Security Division. They introduced and explained the security measures for their school life, and safety rules for bike riding. Also, they talked about the disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons which can be seen commonly in Japan. For our international students who attended, it was a great opportunity to learn how to prepare for disasters. Anan Police officers stated how they wish for a session like this every year and encouraged international students to join in the future.
International Students joined to the field trip event by AIA
On November 24th, 5 people (2 German students, 1 Singaporean student, 2 Staff) joined the bus field trip event planned by Anan International Association. We enjoyed the autumn nature in Iya valley by meeting and communicating with each other.
(Total participants: Foreign people: 24, Japanese people: 19, Total 43 people)
Short term exchange students from Germany arrived
On October 2nd, a male student on the short-term exchange program from University of Applied Sciences of Osnabrueck from Germany arrived. This international exchange is based on the Inclusive Academic Exchange Agreement between National College of Technology and University of Applied Sciences of Osnabrueck. The exchange period is through February 28th, 2020. During his stay, he will live in the student dormitory, as he works on his research themes in the labs of specified fields. Also planned are various other activities, such as Japanese classes, tours for some companies, Japanese cultural experiences and cultural meetings.
6 International students joined the Autumn Festival at a local shrine
Due to the 19th typhoon this year, the autumn festival was shortened to only one day. We joined the autumn festival at Hiwasa Hachiman shrine along with the students of “Tokushima cultural exchange activity team” (とくしま異文化キャラバン隊) of Tokushima University.
From National Technology of College in Anan, 5 male students joined to carry the huge “Chosa” over their shoulders with other local participants to the Ohama beach. All the international students who participated learned about the memorable history and the traditional culture of the local area.
Short-term exchange students arrived from Singapore
On September 24th, two male students on the short-term exchange program from Republic Polytechnic in Singapore arrived. This international exchange is based on the Inclusive Academic Exchange Agreement between National College of Technology and Republic Polytechnic School. The exchange period is through February 10th, 2020. During this period, they will live in our student dormitory, as they work on their research themes in the labs of specified fields. Also planned are various other activities, such as Japanese classes, tours for some companies, Japanese cultural experiences and cultural meetings.