College Motto, Educational Goal
College Motto
Students will become productive, and proudly assume responsibility, and contribute to society as well.
1. Students will develop love of truth and deepen well-balanced scientific knowledge.
2. Students will respect rules, concentrate on learning and uphold a strict code of manners.
3. Students will become accustomed to hard work, strengthen their bodies, and forge their determination.
Our Ideal Engineer
Our Ideal Engineer should have : Strong core knowledge in his/her field and the ability to apply his/her skills in a creative, practical manner.
Our educational goals for fostering professional engineers
(A) Our students are expected to acquire a degree as an internationally-minded engineer. We foster young engineers who have a responsibility to both our society and the natural environment as a whole.
(A)-1 Be able to see the culture and society of Japan and other countries from multiple points of view.
(A)-2 Be able to realize responsibility to society as an engineer and cultivate ethical behavior.
(A)-3 Be able to deepen the awareness of the natural environment.
(B) Our students are expected to identify and resolve problems of our society. We foster engineers who can solve issues by making good use of Mathematics, Natural Science and Information Technology.
(B)-1 Encounter issues society faces through Internships etc.
(B)-2 Solve problems with practical application of Differential and Integral Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differentia.
(B)-3 Solve problems by applying knowledge of Physics and Chemistry such as Electromagnetic, Thermodynamics, etc.
(B)-4 Operate knowledge of Information Technology.
(C) We bring up our students to be engineers who can not only write and argue logically in Japanese, but can communicate in English in their field of expertise, and can give an oral presentation.
(C)-1 Students can compose scientific and technological papers in Japanese.
(C)-2 Students can present their research or what they have learned to an audience in Japanese.
Students can also debate their findings in a logical manner.
(C)-3 Students can use English to conduct basic communication.
(D) Our students are expected to develop habits to gain expertise. We foster engineers who can promote the development of complex technologies.
(D)-1 Students can continue their studies independently in the fundamental fields of Engineering i.e. System Design, Information Theory, Bio-materials, Dynamics, etc.
(D)-2 Students can deepen their knowledge through Hands-on) experience in solving Technical Engineering problems in their field of study.
(D)-3 Students can explain engineering problems in multiple fields of engineering.
(D)-4 Students can consider issues such as safety and the environment in developing technology.
(E)Focusing on “monozukuri” (manufacturing) education, we foster engineers with enhanced design skills to realize their technical concept and creative thinking.
(E)-1 When given an assignment, students can design blueprints in a competent manner.
(E)-2 When given an assignment, students can make a product according to plan.
(E)-3 Under various conditions students can accumulate technological and creative ideas and incorporate them in original papers.
Our educational Goals of Advanced Course
(A) Our students are expected to acquire a degree as an internationally-minded engineer. We foster young engineers who have a responsibility to both our society and the natural environment as a whole.
(A)-1 Be able to see the Culture and Society of Japan and other countries from multiple points of view and understand their proper relationship.
(A)-2 Be able to realize responsibility to society as an engineer and explain his or her own ethics.
(A)-3 Be able to explain issues involved in developing technology, consider environment.
(B) Our students are expected to identify and resolve problems of our society. We foster engineers who can solve issues by making good use of Mathematics, Natural Science and Information Technology.
(B)-1 Encounter issues society faces through Internships and Engineering Seminars.
(B)-2 Consistently solve problems with practical application of Linear Algebra, and Mathematical Analysis.
(B)-3 Consistently solve problems by applying Knowledge of Dynamics and Electromagnetics.
(B)-4 Consistently solve problems by applying knowledge of Information Technology.
(C) We bring up our students to be engineers who can not only write and argue logically in Japanese, but can communicate in English in their field of expertise, and can give a precise oral presentation
(C)-1 Students can compose scientific technological papers in Japanese.
(C)-2 Students can present their research to an audience in Japanese. Students can also debate their findings in a logical manner.
(C)-3 Students can conduct basic communication and make a presentation in English.
(D) Our students are expected to develop habits to gain expertise. We foster engineers who can promote the development of complex technologies.
(D)-1 Students can continue their studies independently in the fundamental fields of Engineering i. e. System Design, Information Theory, Bio-materials, Dynamics, etc.
(D)-2 Students can deepen their knowledge through Hands-on experience in solving Technical Engineering problems in their field of study.
(D)-3 Students can acquire expertise and skills in multiple fields of engineering and grasp engineering problems from multiple points of view.
(D)-4 Students can consider issues such as safety and the environment in developing technology.
(E) Focusing on 'monozukuri' (manufacturing) education, we foster engineers with design skills to realize their technical concept and creative thinking.
(E)-1 Students can take production challenges and change them into engineering blueprints, using their design skills.
(E)-2 Students can fabricate a variety of production challenges according to the plan.
(E)-3 Students can integrate their expertise and skills and incorporate technological concept and creative thinking into an original paper.