
 期間中は、日本の高専をモデルとして設立されたベトナム商工短期大学(College of Industry and Trade)での学生共同プロジェクト参加、タンロン工業地帯に所在するキヤノンベトナム社やTMV(トヨタ・モーター・ベトナム)社の視察、水上人形劇、ホーチミン廟、ドンスアン市場やTIMES CITYの観光を行いました。

Vietnam-International Exchange Program with College of Industry and Trade (COIT),  

Dates: March 4 – March 8, 2024

Participants: 14 undergraduate students and 2 faculty members


As part of the National Institute of Technology’s “Reiwa 5th Year Overseas Activities Support Project,” 14 undergraduate students and 2 faculty members from our institution participated in an international exchange program in Hanoi, Vietnam. This program aimed to cultivate an international perspective and nurture future industry engineers who can excel both domestically and globally.


  • Joint Student Project: Students collaborated on a project with their peers at the Vietnam College of Industry and Trade (COIT), a college pilot KOSEN model.
  • Industry Visits: The group visited Canon Vietnam and TMV (Toyota Motor Vietnam) in the Thang Long Industrial Zone, gaining insights into the Vietnamese manufacturing sector.
  • Cultural Experiences: Students immersed themselves in Vietnamese culture by attending a water puppetry performance, visiting the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, exploring Dong Xuan Market, and experiencing the modern cityscape of TIMES CITY.


This program provided students with valuable firsthand experiences:

  • Witnessing the Global Success of College of Technology Graduates: They observed how graduates from similar institutions can thrive internationally.
  • Experiencing Southeast Asia’s Economic Growth: They gained a deeper understanding of the region’s dynamism and economic development.
  • Cultural Immersion: They explored Vietnamese culture and cuisine.

We believe this exchange program will have a lasting impact on the students’ academic pursuits and future careers.


