
本校からは化学コースのSENGHMONGCHANG LEE(センモンチャン リー)さんが出場しました。
SENGHMONGCHANG LEEさんは母国ラオスの民族衣装を身にまとい、「シャイだった私が変わった」というタイトルで

Anan KOSEN International Students Won Prizes at the “Tokushima Prefecture Japanese Speech Contest for Foreigners”

Our school’s international students continue to shine! SENGHMONGCHANG LEE, a Chemistry Course student from Laos, recently won the “Tokushima Chamber of Commerce and Industry Excellence Award” at the “Tokushima Prefecture Japanese Speech Contest for Foreigners.” Lee’s heartfelt speech, “I used to be shy, but now I’ve changed,” delivered in traditional Laotian attire, showcased the talent and dedication of our international students.

